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SGC Club Announcements

Click on any item below to read details

Team Play - Paired Formats

Based on member input over the years the SGC Board of Directors has decided to institute occasional formats wherein golf partners are assigned and will play as a 2-person team. Although tee time requests will be considered, the 2-person teams will also be assigned tee times by the Tournament Director. The objective is for members to meet other members instead of always playing with the same group. Other formats will also be considered, especially during the summer months, like the Midsummer Monsoon Madness event conducted last year. The first assigned 2-person team event is coming SOON!

CTP Payouts

The current payout structure for Closest to the Pin (CTP) is for $1.00 of the $10.00 entry fee to be paid to the player who's tee shot is on the green and measured to be closest to the pin on the selected par 3's during a given round. On a typical SGC play day, 2 par 3's are randomly selected as CTP holes, giving each player two opportunities to score a CTP per round

Until now, if only one CTP is scored, the player scoring the one CTP collects for the second CTP as well as the one hit. Even though no player hit the green on the second CTP hole.

Beginning with the first SGC play day in February (Wednesday, 2/3/21) CTP's will only be paid when a player's tee shot is on the green of a CTP hole and measured to be the closest to the pin. Any unpaid CTP payout will go into the format game payout.

Again, this policy is effective beginning Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

Inverted Cups During Coronavirus Pandemic – SGC Policy

One of the recent policies put in place because of the coronavirus is that many courses, including the city courses, have opted to reverse the cups in the greens and asked players not to remove the flagsticks. Because the cups are reversed it may be possible for a ball to fall into the cup and bounce out again. The question at that point is "was the ball holed out or not"? Since the reversing cups is not a USGA option, there is no USGA direction on the issue.

However, if a committee decides to use a flagstick that does not meet the Equipment Rules to minimize the possibility of exposing players to coronavirus, a temporary measure is in place to permit scores played under this condition to be acceptable for handicapping purposes while such modifications are in use. This measure is in effect within the United States until advised otherwise by the USGA.

The Board of Directors of the Silverbell Golf Club have determined that in cases a ball is not considered holed out until the ball is in the cup and remains so. Therefore, a ball hitting a flagstick or entering the cup but not remaining in the cup is not holed out and is still in play until it is in the hole and remains there.

Silverbell Hole Handicaps

Effective Wednesday, August 29, 2018 Silverbell Golf Club (SGC) will begin using the hole by hole handicaps as designated on the Silverbell course scorecard. SGC will no longer use the handicaps developed earlier by the SGC Board of Directors.


Several years ago, early in the club's history, the Board of Directors conducted an extensive analysis of club member's scores at Silverbell. The analysis seemed to indicate that the hole handicaps as designated on the scorecard did not reflect the difficulty of each hole as determined by actual scores of SGC members. As a result, the Board authorized a change to the hole by hole handicaps at Silverbell. The revised handicaps are currently being used and are reflected on the official scorecards used by the club today.


The Board of Directors, at the July 24, 2018 meeting, voted to begin using the hole handicaps as designated on the Silverbell scorecard. This policy is effective beginning Wednesday, August 29, 2018. This change puts the club in compliance with the official handicaps as designated by the AGA and USGA. This action puts Silverbell handicaps in line with the other City courses the club plays.

SGC members are encouraged to review the Silverbell scorecards to become familiar with the hole handicaps before they become effective on August 29.

No changes have been made to the hole handicaps at the other City courses.

Drop Zone on Silverbell #9:

The management at Silverbell Golf Club has established a Drop Zone on the 9th hole. The Drop Zone is located on the left side between the cart path and the pond, forward of the red tee box.

Management has committed to maintaining the drop zone with a painted circle indicating the location. There is no sign designating the zone.

Effective immediately, the Drop Zone on #9 may be used during any SGC Club play. Players are reminded that under the USGA Rules of Golf, other options may be available.

Changes to By-Laws:

The membership of the Silverbell Golf Club has approved changes to the club's Constitution and By-Laws. The revised document may be viewed here.

Special Membership Exemption Vote:

A special, on-line, membership vote was conducted between December 22 and December 29, 2015. The vote was to determine if a special membership exemption should be granted to Dana Nussberger, allowing her to renew her club membership in 2016. An exemption would allow her SGC membership despite her being under 21 years of age. The Club By-Laws require a member be at least 21 years old.

The SGC membership has voted 31 to 15 against granting a special membership exemption to Dana Nussberger.

Fall Classic Tournament Renamed:

Check out the Silverbell Golf Club trophy wall and you will see that the SGC Fall Classic Golf Tournament has been named the Tom Cleary Fall Classic. Tom has retired from golf because of his battle with cancer but he was one of the original members of the Silverbell Golf Club and served as one of the "money men" for quite awhile. Recently, a member of the SGC suggested to the SGC Board of Directors that we name the Fall Classic Tournament after Tom because of all his contributions to the SGC. The Board thought it was a great idea and have had the Fall Classic Trophy plaque renamed. Ralph Burgher and Lee Task visited Tom on 29 October 2015 to inform him of this event and show him the plaque. Tom was really thrilled by the honor. Although Tom's golfing days are probably over he has been responding well to the cancer treatment in recent weeks and may even be able to attend the annual "end of year" event luncheon.

Late Cancellation Policy:

On RARE occasions it might be necessary for a player to call in at the last minute to cancel because of illness, injury, or some other unforeseen event. However, due to various problems that have cropped up, the SGC Board has found it necessary to institute the following policy:

Starting immediately, if any player cancels less than 24 hours prior to the first tee time of the play day and does not have a valid, reasonable, and verifiable excuse as judged by the Board of Directors or their designated representative, then that will count as the FIRST UNACCEPTABLE cancellation for that individual. If there is another UNACCEPTABLE cancellation within the following 3 month period, that individual will be placed on partial suspended status for the next 4 weeks. Partial suspended status means the individual cannot sign up in advance to play on any play day. The individual may arrive at the course on the play day and, if there is an open slot, can play with the Club, but cannot participate in any games. While on partial suspended status the individual cannot participate in any major tournament. After the 4 weeks of partial suspended status, the individual may once again sign up in advance for play days or tournaments. If there is another UNACCEPTABLE LATE cancellation during the 2 months following the partial suspension period the individual will once again be placed on partial suspension status for 4 weeks. A third partial suspension within a 1 year period may result in expulsion from the SGC. A pattern of chronic UNACCEPTABLE LATE cancellations may also result in expulsion from the SGC.

Volunteers Needed:

The Silverbell Golf Club is run by volunteers and its continued success depends on a sufficient number of YOU, the SGC members, volunteering to help run the organization. There are several job functions that need to be accomplished to keep the SGC running. Below is a non-comprehensive list of activities/positions that are needed in order to continue operating. As people leave these positions (for a multitude of reasons) it would be good to have other people ready to take over. Please consider volunteering to serve as an "understudy" for one or more of these positions as well as consider running for the SGC Board for the 2016-2017 term (elections to be held this coming October 2015).

Money-Person (currently Ralph Burgher and Jim Ballam with Rick Finch as fill-in when needed). The Money-Person arrives well before the first tee-time and collects the entry fee for the day's events and hands out the winnings from the previous week at the same time. He/she also puts the winnings into individual envelops with the winner's name on the outside (based on the winnings distribution posted to the website) for ease in distribution. At this point in time the Money-Person also prints out the scorecards for the day's event so that they can be handed out at the same time the entry fees are collected and the previous week's winnings are distributed. Please contact Ralph, Jim, or Rick for more information on this position. NOTE: A new Money-Person is need before the second half of this year!

Tournament Director (currently Rick Finch with John Teale partially filling in when Rick is not available). The Tournament Director (TD) is responsible for obtaining the course tee times from OB Sports or whatever course is to be played, setting up the game-of-week, setting up the Major Tournaments, determining the distribution of winnings from the previous week, entering the scores (hole by hole) to determine winners for each category of event, maintaining the club website, etc., etc.

Handicap chairman (currently Marc Miller). The Handicap Chairman is responsible for entering the SGC round scores into the AGA handicap tracking system (so that members don't have to do this and so that ESC can be accomplished on the scores as per USGA rules for handicaps).

Treasurer (currently Butch Hughes). The treasurer keeps track of the SGC finances, makes sure the AGA doesn't overcharge for members and that they pay the SGC treasury for SGC dues collected by the AGA. He works closely with the Money-Persons and the SGC Board to insure that unclaimed winnings revert to the treasury. He also makes disbursements for SGC financial obligations such as the licensing fee for software used by the Club, Hot-Dog Days, the End of Year event, costs of any awards approved by the Board, maintaining the "Trophy Wall" at the Silverbell Golf Course cantina, and any other legitimate obligations.

AGA Representative (currently Butch Hughes). This individual is the primary liaison with the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) to make sure we stay in compliance with all requirements to maintain our standing as a USGA approved golf club.

Membership Chairman (currently Lee Task). Responsible for sending out "welcome" letter to new SGC members and answering any questions potential new members may have. Should promote new members to the Club but the current Membership Chairman is lazy and hasn't done much in that respect. Any volunteers out there?

President (currently Lee Task). This individual is selected by the Board of Directors once the Board has been elected by the membership. Term of office is 2 years . Primary job is to preside over SGC Board meetings and Annual Meeting or any other Member meeting and set agendas for such meetings. This person is the designated spear-catcher for any complaints (although the TD seems to receive most of the complaints by members).

Vice President. This individual takes over in the event the President cannot carry out his/her duties. Ralph also serves as the primary person taking care of the "Trophy Wall" at the Silverbell Golf Club cantina.

SGC Board of Directors (currently Rick Finch, Butch Hughes, Marc Miller, Jim Ballam and Lee Task). These individuals are elected by the Members at the Annual Meeting, which is currently held toward the end of the year in conjunction with the End of Year event at Daisy Mae's. ANYONE can submit their name (or someone else's name - with their approval) and run for the board AND is encouraged to run for the board! In order to keep the SGC going we need qualified people to be on the SGC Board. The Officers of the SGC (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) are determined amongst the people that are elected to be Board members. The other positions (Membership chairman, Tournament Director, Money-Persons, AGA Representative, Handicap chairman, Trophy Wall maintainer, etc.) are not required to be board members but it may be helpful if they are board members.

If you are interested in keeping this Club going please consider volunteering to become an "understudy" for one or more of these positions and consider running for the Board of Directors this coming October. There will be a need for at least one NEW Board member this coming October so at least ONE person needs to step up to becoming a Board member candidate prior to the election!

Please contact one of the current Board members if you are interested in one of these positions and want to find out more about what is involved.Let's keep the SGC going! —the current SGC Board of Directors